Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rain, Wind and Bright Flashing Lights

Last night there was a rather turbulent thunderstorm that passed, or should I say lingered, over my house. I, of course, was nearly oblivious to the entire storm (even though I was sitting right beside the window) because I was furiously typing away to complete my first blog post. Eventually, my mind began to slow and my fingers came to a stop, and for a moment I was encompassed with the thunderous applause coming from the sky. Readying myself for a bow, I gingerly pressed the "publish" button and shared my thoughts with the world. The feeling of accomplishment was truly exhilarating, and I felt my mind racing to find the subject of my next post. Not long after I closed my laptop (after a ridiculously long night of internet chatting and web surfing) I fell asleep. This morning, I woke up much later than I should have, and lo and behold, I couldn't remember a single thing I had thought of last night.

I suppose life is just like that sometimes. Winds of the day constantly toss up memories, ideas, and inspiration, filling your mind with a whirlwind of wild conceptions. Captivating and dazzling, these thoughts can strike like a flash of lightning, and resonate with a boom of thunder. But how instantly they fade away, only to be washed from you with rain. Whether the rain is sleep or distraction, our minds move quickly. Transporting our focus to and from topics, bits of information, and emotions like an underground subway. Always in motion, but hardly detectable from the outside. This inner storm can be violent, and when it is, it drives our actions. However, this storm can also be as calm as a sea breeze, soothing us into a state of repose.

When these storms beat upon us, let us not be overcome, but take command of their power and utilize it for our benefit. Be inspired. Become motivated. Be courageous. Take action.
When these storms are still, bask in the sunshine. Feel peace. Let worry be a fictional emotion. Relax.

Now all I can do is hope that the sunshine comes back for more than 5 minutes at a time. 
Darn that Ohio weather... Haha.


  1. I love these little windows into your life. :) can't wait to be a roomy with you hopefully. ;)It rained here too with lots of lightening.

  2. Yes, this is so true. Happened to me last night. And the whirlwind of thoughts paralleled the frantic gusts of wind outside.

  3. Kellie: Thanks! I love you too!
    Kara: I'm glad you're looking through the windows :)
    Suzie: I'm glad I'm not the only one. Haha. It's nice to know I'm not alone.
