Saturday, June 15, 2013

1,000 I guess

Apparently my blog has over 1,000 page views. I don't know if that's supposed to make me feel successful or happy or loved or what. Especially considering 500 of those views are probably from me... Perhaps I'm a bit of an internet narcissist. 

I started this blog about two years ago. Wow. Two years... a lot has happened in that time. Yet I still find myself wondering what I have accomplished. I'm not quite done with my bachelor's degree, although I did survive a few of the most brutal English courses at BYU-Idaho. I have recovered from a few soul-wrenching, heart-ripping experiences, read hundreds of thousands of words, learned a fair bit about myself, turned 21 and 22, and survived multiple singles wards (for all of you not Mormon readers, this is quite the accomplishment, trust me). I have not, however, gotten married, been to a foreign country, written a book, carved a watermelon, or had a picnic in a cemetery. And I'm not President.

I have written about success before, and with much hope and optimism. Small successes can be accomplished every day, it's true. But in the whole scheme of life and eternity, what have I really done? 


Luckily, I have thousands of more days to live and thousands of more opportunities to really accomplish something. Something big, monumental. Something truly worthwhile. I have time to progress and grow and reach the goals I have set for myself. Time and will-power is what I've got.

Wish me luck.

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